Tuesday, 7 July 2020



Up-dated 31 July 2020 of dated 30 June 2020

Sohei Matsuno (writer), Prof. (free-lance), Dr. of Eng. (causation study)
Advisor on Technical Affairs, Jamilla Restaurant, Palembang Indonesia
Kimora Matsuno (proofreader), Student, Singapore International School
Alena Handi (illustrator), Student, Maitreyawira School

ABSTRACT   ………………………………………………..     3

INTRODUCTION   …………………………………………    3
Backdrop of COVID-19 in Chaos   …………………………   3
Particular Aspect of COVID-19 Pandemic   ………………    4
Purpose of this Paper   ……………………………………..    7

EXIT STRATEGY FROM COVID-19   …………………..   8

ANALYSES OF COVID-19   ……………………................   8
General   ……………………………………………………..   9  
Causation Analysis of COVID-19   ………………………..    9
Relation between COVID-19 and Wars   ………………..    11
Immortal Effects of Maoism   ………………………………    11
General Effects of Mao’s Strategies and Tactics   …………    12
Analogy between COVID-19 and Wars   ………………..     13
General   ……………………………………………….......    13
Afghanistan War (2001 2020)   …………………………….     13
Yemen War (2015~present)   ……………………….. ……….       15
Analogy to COVID-19   …………………………………...      16

General   ………………………………………………….    17
How to recruit Natural Predator Candidate   …………    17
How to breed Candidate Natural Predator   …………..    18
Dishwasher and pathogen Killer devices   ……………..    19


EPILOGUE   ……………………………………………     21

REFERENCES   ………………………………………..     21

Illus. 1   How about friendly chemicals? … N, n, no, No thanks!


In Dec. 2019, the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) emerged in China. It’s now spreading worldwide. The writer (he) discusses how countermeasures should’ve been.
The discussions are premised on recognitions of (i) COVID-19 transmission was nasal-oral, (ii) colonavirus-19 (the Virus) is characterized by its extraordinary strong ability in infection, wait-&-endure formation & adaptation to chemicals, and (iii) the Virus emerged when bio-lifecycle balance was disrupted by Homo sapiens, having adapted itself to the environmental change with Darwin’s theory of evolution.
Based on the premises, he induces a hypothesis that says, “Anti-pathogen chemicals couldn’t kill but strengthened the Virus.” He concludes that a right countermeasure was to handover the Virus to its natural predator, and if the things would’ve been done in this way, the COVID-19 case should’ve ended within 2 (months).
As the Virus’ unprecedented characters were unknown at the beginning, it was unavoidable for the 1st measures to have been done abided by existing programs. Among the inappropriate practices carried out in this period, the worst one was the disinfectant spray. It not only strengthened the Virus but killed its natural predators. In this context, COVID-19’s rapid spread was unavoidable too. The matter is, “the inappropriate practices had been repeated again-&-again until bankruptcy.” The current status is virtual stalemate with the Virus. A sole exit from this quagmire is to coexist with the Virus & its natural predator in a new-bio-lifecycle.
The Virus has demonstrated its potential ability to be a bio-weaponry material. It’s also learnt that the bio-weapon is a double-edged sword unless a disposal system of used virus has been established beforehand. To meet the need, he shows the basic way to prepare natural predators for bio-weapon warfare.
Keywords: Adaptability of & natural predator of organism, problems of chemicals


Backdrop of COVID-19 in Chaos
Regardless of fields, every modern society heavily relies on a system of computer programs. This system is potent in handling things being incorporated in the programs. However, it’s miserably impotent to manage something that happens beyond the programs. Really, the modern medical system, which currently prevails all over the world, hadn’t incorporated COVID-19’s extraordinary characters in its programs. In this context, the COVID-19 in chaos is a medical-field version of the ones seen in other fields.
Originally, a modern medical system is not good at COVID-19. As it stands on rationalism, basically it relies on a deductive method by nature. COVID-19 problem is too complicated to be solved deductively. Excuses of medical experts at medical institutions for their slow, passive and/or no reactions to the matters happened beyond the programs are; “It’s not yet proven. Nobody should do any unproven method.” But the reality doesn’t wait the proof. cf. Quotation (Quot.)-1.
Worse still, there’s a strong promoter of COVID-19 pandemic. It’s a vested interest of ‘pharmaceutical-industrial complex.’ the Virus is a novel species which has ultra-high adaptability to the chemicals. Hence, unlike other ordinary viruses, it survives the chemicals. It resides anywhere with a wait-&-endure formation for about 2 weeks, and reactivates itself as a tempered 2nd generation. Therefore, the war on the Virus with chemicals is unwinnable. Alas, this quagmire guarantees the pharmaceutical industry a lucrative market. The industry has deep-rooted lobbies in all health organizations, policy-makers, experts, scholars worldwide, particularly in developed countries. Against the backdrop stated above, people are forced to live in unwinnable war fields of COVID-19. This is an abnormal period that will finish when a last resort ‘vaccine’ will be tried and failed.
Quot.-1: Wuhan mayor Zhou Xianwang claimed that he was unable to reveal information in the initial stages of the epidemic because he was not authorized to do so.
Quot.-2: Beijing’s purge of officials in Hubei province picked up pace with the removal of the top Communist Party of China (CCP) leaders in the region. Hubei party secretary Jiang Chaoliang had been replaced by Shanghai mayor Ying Yong, the Communist Party leader of the city of Wuhan, Ma Guoqiang, 56, also lost his job.

Quot.-3: The decisions to remove senior Communist Party officials echo [contrast to -- his translation] what happened in China 17 years ago during the severe acute respiratory syndrome (Sars) outbreak. The health minister and the mayor of Beijing were both fired in April 2003 amid allegations of a cover-up in reporting the extent of the disease.

Quot.-4: Zhang Jin, the Communist Party secretary of Hubei’s health commission, and Liu Yingzi, director of the health commission were both sacked on Tuesday. That’s an eerie echo of the Sars outbreak, when the dismissal of the officials in 2003 followed a 10-fold jump in the reported number of infections – at that time in the capital, Beijing.
Quot.-5: Officials in organizations such as the National Health Commission, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and Hubei Red Cross Association have been removed and warned for issues such as misjudgment of the epidemic and lapses in efforts against it.
Quot.-6:  Some familiar with the changes say. “We can’t waste time anymore. Those who are responsible must go. Meanwhile, there’re some others who say, “Someone has to take responsibility. But most of those people might not have made any mistakes but were simply caught in the storm.
Note: 6 quotations shown above are extracts from [22].

Particular Aspect of COVID-19 Pandemic
COVID-19 firstly appeared in a food market of Wuhan city, Hubei province, China, in Nov. ~ Dec. 2019. The pathogen of the disease is a novel coronavirus-19. It entered a human body through an intermediate host, a bat. cf. [20]. It caused the 1st generation COVID-19. It showed flu-like symptoms and its incubation period was reported to be 1 ~ 14 days. To this novel virus, programs based on a hypothesis derived from past studies were applied. The past studies’ general concept on the disinfectant is: (i) Coronavirus’s protective fat layer is weaker than other common viruses. (ii) Hence, common household disinfectants, including soap or a diluted bleach solution, can deactivate coronavirus on indoor surfaces. (iii) On outdoor surfaces, a disinfectant spray is effective to deactivate colonavirus. (iv) The Environmental Protection Agency has a list of disinfectants that are effective in fighting coronavirus. The general view for medicines is conceptually the same as the one for the disinfectants stated above.
The past study’s norms are applicable to the conventional coronavirus but inapplicable to the novel coronavirus-19. Disinfectants and pharmaceuticals may have deactivated the Virus but never killed it, rather, in effect, strengthened it.
Anyhow, with the wrong hypothesis stated above, all sanitation-medical operations commenced at every working front. Patients were treated having abided by modern medicine programs, probably with flu-relief medicines et al, and then recovered. In fact, they recovered having been immune to the 1st-generation Virus. But the 2nd-generation one released from the patient, after having resided around the patients for about 14 days in a wait-&-endure formation is, in every way, stronger than the 1st-generation’s. It transmits human to human via various media, finally through nose and/or mouth. cf. [20]. It also ‘reenters’ its original human body ‘ex-patient’ as well. Then, people confuse ‘reentry’ with ‘recurrence’, and wrongly conceive, ‘no immune in COVID-19’ and ‘heavier symptoms in reoccurrence than in occurrence.’
COVID-19 has magnificently bankrupted the modern medicine(s) and disinfectants in developed countries, in China also at the initial stage. It’s proven by the real consequences of the practices.
Given an exponentially rapid spread of COVID-19, China executed a fundamental regime change in charge. Reuters report it “Feb 14, 2020, the major leadership changes in Hubei and Wuhan have been announced in an effort to control the epidemic.” cf. Quot.-2.
Similar personnel removals were seen when the severe acute respiratory syndrome (Sars) happened in 2003. But the scope and reasons of removals in the case of Sars were quite limited. cf. Quot.-3. In the case of COVID-19, personnel changes covered from Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee to government / nongovernment organizations in charge of health affairs. cf. [22] and Quot.-4 & 5.
There’re severe criticisms on one hand and warm sympathies for the removed personnel on the other hand. cf. Quot.-6.
After Mao Zedong’s death (1976), China entered a modernization-industrialization-development era with no regard to the appearance. Under this tide, assignments of 'the wrong person in the wrong place' were apt to happen. At the time of COVID-19 outbreak, modernization-industrialization-development technocrats were in positions to handle the matter. They couldn’t do it, as they used to make their decisions based solely on the information from computer programs, not the reality emerging before them. Technocrats’ ineptitude and inaction have proven their incapability of devising any measures to cope with COVID-19 properly.
Contrarily, Maoism & Chinese medicine stand on empiricism, hence, relies little on a deductive method by nature. The reality is a primary base in every consideration. In this context, COVID-19 was originally not a subject of rationalists but of empiricists. Induction and deduction are both important tools in any study. Studies whose themes must & may take time, e.g., a study on vaccine, a deductive method play a leading role. It’s to be reiterated the importance of ‘the right person in the right place.’
After analyses, he’s deduced that the personal removals done in connection with COVID-19 are a rolling back of Maoist power. It’d come back not only with its strategy, i.e. siege the city in rural areas, but also with tactics, Chinese medicine(s). It practically resulted in insignificant use of chemicals, as Chinese medicine hardly relies on chemicals but herbs. It means that there’s much lesser production of new generation coronavirus-19.
Note: Mao Zedong was a strong promoter of Chinese medicine(s).
It’s unknown if the Virus’ natural predator was used. He supposes it wasn’t, because if it’d have been done, it means that there must have been a good deal of the Virus stock beforehand on the one hand. On the other hand, it’s hardly possible to accumulate the Virus before its outbreak.
In this context, the coronavirus in Hubei Bio Research Institute before COVID-19 epidemic was not of the Virus but any other coronavirus, e.g., Sars Cov-2. The Virus stocked in the USA, as some www repots, is not the one before COVID-19 outbreak but after it. That is; neither initiated the COVID-19, and is eligible for the cause of WWIII.
Anyway, countermeasures under the new regime have succeeded. China, once the no.1 ranked country in a world worst COVID-19 case list in Feb. 20 2020, is ranked no.26 in the same list as of July 27 2020. The USA, a late-starter with the Virus imported from China, took over ranking no.1 from China in Mar. 20 2020, and holding the ranking up until now.
The World Health Organization (WHO) praised China for “setting a new standard for outbreak control,” even suggesting that other countries should replicate its strict containment measures.
However in reality, many countries, industrially-developed countries in particular, were slow to issue shelter-in-place guidelines. They’re originally reluctant to lock down as it retards economy. There’s strong reactionary pressure from various industrial complexes. So in practices, the lockdown is so loose that not to do is better than to do. Under this condition, it’s not strange that the top 10 worst COVID-19 case list is always congested by the industrially developed or rapidly developing countries.
In this general trend, there’s an exception. It’s Iran who already pertains to an industrially developed country. China who sees Iran as a strategic friend helped Iran maybe with its full expertise, and Iran may have followed it to some extent. Under this condition, it’s not strange that Iran ranked no.2 after China in the list in Feb. 20 2020 has dropped down to no.11 as of July 27 2020.
The WHO says Life with the new coronavirus must be considered a new normal until vaccination or effective treatment is developed for the disease caused by the pathogen.” cf. [21].
In the first place, there’s no pharmaceutical (vaccine or chemical) to counter any virus that has had adaptability to pharmaceuticals. All efforts to get it are doomed to failure.
By the way, it usually takes at shortest 2 (yrs) up until acquiring an effective, safe and practical vaccine even for a usual virus. In this context, any COVID-19 vaccine that emerges on markets before 2 (yrs), as some media report, is a latecomer at best or a murderer at worst.
On the other hand, a natural predator of the Virus must exist, since God never create an invincible creature, but always provides its natural predator to keep balance. What humans should do is to find it, breed it and let it eat the Virus. That’s all. Then, the new bio-lifecycle balance will be regained in cooperation with the natural predator within 2 (months), if measures of to do and not to do are implemented as suggested. The intended vaccination is to do the same in human bodies. But if the matter could be solved within the nature without using human shields, it’s better of course.
To meet these realities, he shall revise WHO’s above statement for good as follows:
Current life with the new coronavirus must be considered a transient abnormal until it recovers new balance with pathogen.” Note: Revisions are by addition or replacement.
He assumes that the transient abnormal period will finish within 6 (till new cases = 0) + 2 (till active cases = 0) = 8 (months), if all negative actions, e.g., lockdowns, vaccine-chemical trials won’t be.
The above estimations of durations have been derived from the premises that in the S-hemisphere, there’re lesser aeration tanks of sewage treatment plants where the Virus is mass-produced, and no extra tropical cyclone by which the Virus is mass-transported. To be concrete, the COVID-19 pandemic in the S-hemisphere advances without big discontinuity but with linier infection only. It means that the Time vs. COVID-19 case relationship in S-hemisphere follows direct-proportionally to the one in N-hemisphere.

Purpose of this Paper
The purposes of this paper are (i) to show the backdrop against which the countermeasures have been in standstill, (ii) to identify the unprecedented characters of the Virus, (iii) to clarify the particular aspect of COVID-19, (iv) to forward before the parties concerned right countermeasures against coronavirus-2019, and (v) to direct the way to deal with any virus of the same character as the Virus that’s to come in ar future.


The WHO sees the current status of COVID-19 is consistent, and a sole exit from it is to have a last resort vaccination or its equivalent. cf. the WHO’s statement quoted above. As explained already, there’s no last-resort vaccine on COVID-19. That is, the WHO has practically no exit strategy.
Nobody likes such a status. But everybody can endure it when told as if there’s an ultimate means to exit. How long can people endure such a convincement? Human history tells, “The longest record is 18.4 (yrs).” May COVID-19 go in this way? No, hopefully. There may be a few more trials of new vaccines and/or chemicals within this transient-abnormal period. The trials could have no tangible effect by nature at best, but might cause a tangible 2nd wave COVID-19 with the newer generation Virus by chance at worst. No more trial should be. It’s the time when the Virus will have extremely defeated the modern medicine(s). As there’s no more new generation Virus, COVID-19 practically enters an abnormal period of go-down mode. It’ll be around Jan. 2021. From this time point, 8 (months) later, around in Sept. 2021, COVID-19 reenters the normal period of new dynamic equilibrium with the Virus. It’s an extreme end of COVID-19.
During the go-down period, have-done countries are temporally under the siege in be-doing countries. The former should exercise a self-blockade until the extreme end. To be frank, this is a method of, “Leave it up to nature and que sera sera.” What will be, will be. But it’s never worse than endless war on the Virus with doomed pharmaceuticals. Choose the lesser of 2 evils from ‘do nothing good’ & ‘do something wrong.’
The strategic countermeasure, lockdown, is often doomed to failure due to objections from various industrial complexes. This strategy should be executed only by a strong leadership with a support from the people who hold a successful experience of this kind in history. The USA has a kind of lockdown in its history, i.e., Prohibition (1920 1933) against alcoholic drinks that’s said to be a magnificent experiment rare in history. It ended up miserably in repeal under the challenges of alcohol makers (gangs) and the pressure of Great Depression (1929~1939). Really in the world, there’s no country besides China who has history of successful experience of full-scale strict lockdowns. In other words, only China has relief players in a bullpen to replace impotent starting players. Everybody must learn a crucial lesson from China’s performance in dealing with COVID-19.
To be frank, he is passive to the implementation of lockdown, as it retards economy, but insignificantly confines COVID-19. Further, it breeds gangs, traffickers and corruptors. He’d say herewith only “Never use chemicals, especially splay disinfectants in a locked-down area.” If it’d be done, it could make the area be full of the Virus.


This SECT. commences with the Sub-sect. ‘Causation Analysis of COVID-19’.
It’s followed by 2 Sub-sects., viz. ‘Relation between COVID-19 & Wars’ and ‘Analogy between COVID-19 & Wars.’ For the former, this study refers to 6 wars, namely the Chinese Civil War (1927 1949), Korean War (1950 1953), Sino-Soviet border conflict (1969), Vietnam War (1955 1975), Soviet RussiaAfghan War (1979 1989), and Afghanistan War (2001 2020). For the latter, this paper picks up the 2 wars of Afghanistan war (2001 2020) and Yemen War (2015 present).
COVID-19 and wars stand on the 3 common bases, viz. (i) COVID-19 itself is a war-like event, (ii) the Virus itself is eligible for a bio-weaponry material, and (iii) no country can endure the protracted burden of COVID-19 and/or warfare.
UN’s COVID-19 ceasefire suggestions for all the ongoing wars, ditto for particular wars in Yemen & Libya, Saudi Arabia’s unilateral Yemen War ceasefire proposal to cope with COVID-19, USA’s claim on COVID-19 compensation for China, and China’s preparation for war against it etc, all reflect the close relationship between COVID-19 & wars. The analogy between COVID-19 and the two selected wars is a categorical expression of the relationship.
In this context, to study COVID-19 by analogy to the wars is useful for both KOVID-19 and the warfare studies.

Causation Analysis of COVID-19
As learnt earlier, the Virus’s last intermediate host is a bat as lab tested. Where? When? How? The 1st patient appeared in a food market in Wuhan city in Dec. 2919. The wide repertory of Chinese food materials is nothing new. It entered a human body through a mouth.
When did the Virus first enter a bat body? Where? How? There’s been no answer yet. They’re the themes of due-diligent studies. However, he’d like herein to exhibit some proposals by mobilizing his inspiration. That is; (i) the emergence of the Virus is the result of natural bio–lifecycle disruption, (ii) the disruption is not global but local, maybe, Wuhan-Hubei regional, (iii) the disruption is somehow related to chemicals, e.g., excessive use of agrochemicals in nearby farms.
Once the Virus entered a human body, pandemic went ahead with human-to-human transmission. The time when the COVID-19 entered each country or zone is different, and its aspect is also quantitatively different. But all the aspects show no qualitative difference each other. Why so they do? It’s because the basic stance to counter COVID-19 in developed & rapidly developing countries are the same, ‘handle the matter as programmed,’ and the programs are qualitatively the same, and the matter was beyond the programs. It’s no wonder that all the measures applied to the matter in these countries failed in a 1-pattern aspect. It was waxed by one of the common characters of the program-governed regimes, i.e., “to repeat the same mistake again and again until stalemating all the means.”
As explained earlier, indiscriminate disinfectant sprays had played the greatest role in the rapid outbreak, not only by strengthening the Virus but also by killing its natural predator. He herewith elaborates it as follows:
First, “How could COVID-19 cases increased so rapidly?” Human-to-human transmission only can’t convince of it. The Virus mass-production must have been.
The Virus is an aerobe. When it meets a disinfectant splay, it enters a wait-&-endure formation. It’ll be washed away into a roadside ditch by either rainfalls or artificial water flows. Urban roadside ditches are normally covered by concrete-slabs to increase the effective width of the road. Hence, it’s a closed culvert of partially aerobic and mostly anaerobic where the Virus’ natural predator (anaerobe) lives. The Virus comes in the ditch being accompanied with disinfectant which kills the Virus’ natural predator, resulting in the Virus’ safety travel to its final destination ‘an aeration tank at a sewage treatment plant.’ Given oxygen foods there, the Virus in a phage phase multiples as other aerobes of active-sledge origin do. Thus, the mass production of the Virus has been done.
cf. Photo 1~3 and explanations by respective origins.
Photo 1 volunteer sprays disinfectant                            Photo 3 disinfectant spray on road
                                           Photo 2 disinfectant spray on mask              (origin: cf. 1~3 below)
1: Elana Dilozier,”‘The Coronavirus Pandemic Could Be the Key to Peace in Yemen.https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/04/09
A Yemeni volunteer sprays disinfectant on the hands of kids in one of impoverished neighborhoods in Sana'a, on March 30, amid concerns of a corona virus outbreak. MOHAMMED HUWAIS/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES
Second:How could COVID-19 expand so quickly to thousands of kilometers distant zone of so wide?”  It can’t be properly explained by human-to-human transmission only. Mass-transportation must have been. He shall answer this question.
The players of the quick-mass-transportation are: (i) Extra tropical hurricanes along European & American coasts of the Atlantic Ocean, and (ii) Typhoons of the S-Pacific Ocean, land S-China / travel via trans-mainland-China course to Far-E Siberia. cf. [10]. As elaborated in it, the extra-tropical hurricanes and typhoons of different courses & seasons from the past ones are caused by nuclear power plants’ warm-water emission.
The extra tropical hurricane occurs not in a tropical but in a temperate zone, and not in summer - autumn but in winter - spring. It's born at the S-W end of a warm front formed off the Iberian Peninsula, and moves along the warm front to N-E direction via a subarctic up to a cold zone. In between Dec. 2019 and Mar. 2020, a few hurricanes had mass-transported the Virus from S-W Europe to N & N-E Europe.
On the W-side of the Atlantic Ocean, the matter is similar to the W-side of the Pacific Ocean, reflecting the similar nuke power development. cf. next paragraph.
The Virus delivery by typhoon is seen in China. The COVID-19 development in Jilin province, E-N-China is the case. Jilin province’s area is 190000 (km2). The distance between Wuhan and Jilin city is 2178 (km). The Virus’ quick-mass-expansion from Wuhan to Jilin is possible only by the transportation power of ‘trans-mainland-China-course typhoons’.
In the E-side of the Pacific Ocean, the matter is similar but to a lesser extent.
The effect of extra tropical cyclones on the spread of COVID-19 in N-hemisphere is proven by the fact that COVID-19 spreads far less & slower in S-hemisphere than in N-hemisphere, and there’s no eligible cause to explain the phenomenon besides ‘the lesser active-sludge-aeration sewage treatment and no extra tropical cyclone’ in S-hemisphere.

Relation between COVID-19 and Wars

Immortal Effects of Maoism
As Mao Zedong wasn’t blessed with good successors, the death of this revolutionary of genius forced the Maoism effects to be at a standstill for a half century in the world history. COVID-19 has triggered a resurgence of Maoism. As explained earlier, there’re many assignments of the wrong persons in the wrong places. COVID-19 is a war-like event to which technocrats who’ve been possessed by computer-program governed system do not fit, much less to the war itself.
The easiest way of modernization and industrial development is to duplicate models in developed countries. However, even with utmost efforts, duplication can never exceed the original. Unless there’d be some new idea beyond the original, a duplicator is always a 2nd runner. A new idea doesn’t come from the computer program-guided system. cf. [14]. Reflecting this rule, Chinese modernization technocrats used to feel inferiority complex to originality bearers, the USA in particular. He thinks their behavior to the USA is often biased toward defeatism-oriented appeasement.
Then, here’s an antithesis that says, “There’re many made-in-China products of new ideas. This fact contradicts the above theory.” Well, it seems to be so. However, it doesn’t necessary mean that the ideas come from big modern enterprises of well-connected to and financed by national budgetary systems. Generally, new ideas come from small and medium enterprises of being usually financially hungry. They may promote their projects of new ideas with the sections under Maoists’ jurisdictions. It results in some budgetary allowances to the sections concerned and political funds from small & medium size enterprises to the Maoist factions. Referring to recent domestic-international features, he’s sure “Maoism is now rapidly rolling back in China.”
En passant, currently leading weapons, namely drone, missile and nuke are all not American but German origin. German’s creativeness was cultivated during an extremely financially hungry era after WWI. Ideas stated above came from this creativeness. What the well-fed USA has done is only the soft- & hard-ware-wise sophistications on the originals.
Contrarily to the modernization technocrats, Maoists have self-confidence to the modern-weapon-armored developed countries. It’d been cultivated through the Korean War and the Sino-Soviet Russia conflict which they fought evenly and finished in draws.
The former war was against the USA who was supported militarily by Great Britain, Canada, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Colombia, Ethiopia, South Africa, New Zealand, Turkey, Greece, Thailand, Philippines & Luxembourg, and assisted medically by Norway, Sweden, Denmark, India & Italy. The latter was against Soviet Russia who was supported by its satellite republics. The battles of the Korean War had been stalemated at front lines with hand-to-hand close-quarters combats, People's Volunteer Army (PVA)’s tactic, in which the USA coalition forces were forced to have engaged. Then Premier of Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin thought first that weaponry poor China would be defeated even if helped, and refrained from having been involved. However, having realized China’s formidable power, Soviet Russia later started having offered limited airpower participation to protect PVA’s logistic routs. The commander, General Douglas MacArthur proposed to use nuke bombs as the last resort to solve the stalemate. Then USA President Harry S. Truman rejected the proposal, fired the general from the post and terminated the war in 3-yrs.
In the case of Sino-Soviet Russia conflict, it’s much shorter lived, as Soviet Russia had already learnt lessons from the Korean War, by having observed it throughout its period.
Remember the 2 wars’ above explained processes, and readers will better understand the analogy to COVID-19 to be elaborated in the next Sub-sect.
Readers know? The hand-to-hand combat isn’t a favorable subject of a modernized regular army, particularly of developed countries. Hence, these countries used to employ mercenaries from undeveloped countries (Sudan, Chad, Niger, Uganda etc) or even from terrorist groups (Al Qaeda, ISIS etc). They’re evidently seen in all the ongoing wars in the world, e.g., W-Africa (Mali), E-Africa (Somalia), N-Africa (Libya), Middle E (Yemen), S-America (Venezuela) etc. Or some countries (Iran, Iraq, Lebanon etc) build up an independent force that can carry out close-quarters combats, besides regular forces.
Readers see?  Big figures participated in the 2 wars on China, viz. USA, Soviet Russia, UK, India, France, Italy, and Turkey are high ranked in COVID-19 worst hit countries list. He sees a close relationship between COVID-19 and the 2 wars. So do you?

General Effects of Mao’s Strategies and Tactics
It’s seen in the following 2 wars:
(1)   Vietnam War (1955 1975)
After France’s defeat in 1954, Vietnam was divided into 2 countries of Emperor Bao Dai ruled so-called S-Vietnam and President Ho Chi Minh led N-Vietnam. Vietnam War started with Mao’s ‘people’s war’ pattern by National Liberation Front (NLF) in S-Vietnam against the Bao Dai regime that was supported by the USA. Ho Chi Minh first thought “The resistance won’t last long, facing USA’s by-far-superior weaponry, and even if helped, it’s unwinnable,” and really refrained from having been involved in the war. But having realized NLF’s formidable fighting power; N-Vietnam changed its mind and started participating into the war. The war ended when the S-Vietnam capital Saigon fell. During the war, N-Vietnam rejected Mao’s strategies & tactics, and preferred weaponry from Soviet Russia. He doesn’t think N-Vietnam’s weaponry defeated the USA. He’s sure the USA was defeated by NIF’s protracted war of attrition. But the victory was hijacked by N-Vietnam.
(2)   Soviet RussiaAfghan War (1979 1989)
The war was fought between groups known collectively as the mujahedeen, or representatively the Taliban (the biggest group) & smaller Maoist groups on the defense-side and Soviet Russia supported by its satellite republics and pro-Soviet Russia Afghanistan government on the offense-side. The defense-side had supports from the USA, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, the UK and China, The ideology of the defense-side was group-by-group different. But their strategy and tactics were common, i.e., protracted war of attrition by ‘siege the city in rural areas’ and ‘close-quarters combat.’ The USA supplied surface-to-air stinger missiles worked well, but didn’t play a decisive role as a war terminator. An ultimate factor that brought about a defense-side victory and the sequent destruction of Soviet Union was the protracted war of attrition.
Pay attention to the fact that the method of strict siege capital city Kabul in rural areas executed during the war was, after 12 (yrs) later, used again in the next Afghanistan War and is still working after the peace deal (2020) with the US, and practically functioning as an anti COVID-19 lockdowns now.

Analogy between COVID-19 and Wars

There’s a common factor that makes COVID-19 and the 2 Wars be analogous. It’s an adaptability of organisms. The adaptability exists commonly in all the species of all organisms. However, its aspect is species-by-species different. That is; in the species of homo sapience, a physical adaptation occurs in a geological time range of millions of years, but it mentally adapts itself to the given conditions within a time range of seconds. On the other hand, in the species of microbe, it physically adapts itself to an environmental change within a time range of days, but has no mental adaptability. Following these rules, COVID-19 and wars proceed with many points of analogy. Focusing on the ‘adaptability’, 2 wars are studied by analogy to COVID-19.

Afghanistan War (2001 2020)
This war was fought between the USA & USA-installed aboriginal government on one side and US pulled-down domestic Taliban government on the other side. The former was supported by 46 countries including NATO members. On the other side, unlike at the time of Soviet Russia-Afghanistan War, no country supported the Taliban. Most of countries in the world thought, “The sole super power will win the war within a few weeks.” And 46 of them participated in the war, having jumped on a bandwagon of lucrative development projects in the resource rich Afghanistan under the changed regime. Soviet Russia had been already a lame duck. One more communist big power, China, had been under a modernization technocrats’ regime, and had already abandoned revolutionary resistance abroad. Due to the sudden downfall of communism as a leading revolutionary ideology, there was concurrently & temporarily no ideology to lead revolutionary movements in the world. History can’t run without it. What filled this vacuum was Islamism. Its 1st successful work-done was the 1979 Islamic revolution in Iran. Would the Afghanistan War result in Taliban’s victory; it’d be the 2nd work-done.
Taliban’s basic war strategy and tactics throughout the war had been ‘siege the cities in rural areas’ and ‘close-quarters combats with weapons of new idea.’ From among the new-idea weapons, the big 3 are Improvised Explosive Devices (IED), a variety of mobile suicide bomb and light-&-heavy guns in sequent martyr storming. These strategy and tactics brought about a protracted war of attrition. No country could endure such pain. How long can a country endure it? It’s country-by-country different. The USA endured it for 18.4 (yrs). The Taliban will endure it until the USA withdraws its forces from Afghanistan. In this regard, there’re 2 questions: (i) Why the super power supported by 46 countries can’t win the war on a poor country of no external support? And (ii) why did the USA give up the war of life-&-money attrition first, despite bigger population than Afghanistan and the biggest economy in the world? Let’s learn.

As for (i), a strategy of killing civilians by discriminate rather than indiscriminate bombings on a pretext of reducing resultant casualties by shortening a war period has been a usual strategy during & after WWII. The biggest example is Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuke bombings. This strategy works on an enemy country led by country’s elite. After WWII, almost all the countries in the world pertain to this category. These counties have never challenged the USA. All the protracted wars that the USA has been fighting after WWII are not elete’s but people’s war. Though some of these wars are led by terrorists, people regard the terrorists as the lesser of two evils, as they have already learnt miserable lives under occupier’s indirect control through a corrupt elite regime.     This is why the USA couldn’t & can’t win the wars after WWII. Generally, if a method can’t solve a problem more than 1 (yr), the method per se is wrong. Stop the war. What will be, will be. Any result isn’t worse than an endless war of attrition.

As for (ii), an effort to win people’s war by sophisticating weapons will be doomed to failure in the case where the counterpart has adaptability to it. If it’s the case, you need a new idea. A last resort on the same thought as it is now do nothing better. For the sake of better understanding, he shall show a typical example.
During the war, the USA once tried to grade-up armored vehicles in order to counter IED. USA modified the floor boards of armored vehicles by making them be downward vertex triangular shape so that the explosive power flows away to both sides with less impact. Together with other measures, it was said that the vehicle was 2-times stronger than it’d been before the modification. After lab- and field-tests, vehicles were in practical services. It took hundreds of millions of $s and a 3-yr-long time. The Taliban compromised it by using 2 times quantity of explosives and using more road-side IEDs than under-road ones. The Taliban achieved the solutions with a marginal cost and time. The repetition of the same competition is lucrative for weapon makers, but it’s an endless agony for tax-payers.
The Taliban started using drone-IEDs and surface-to-air missiles at the relatively late stage of the war. They worked effectively. However, the cause that had forced the war to end isn’t the drones & missiles, but the 18.4-yr-long protracted war of attrition.

Yemen War (2015~present)
The war started with the invasion of Arab coalition led by Saudi Arabia, supported in operation by Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, Sudan, the UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, and Academi (war contractor). Djibouti, Eritrea, and Somalia made their airspace, territorial waters, and military bases available to the coalition. The USA, Canada, China, UK, France, Germany and other EU member countries helped them hard- / software-wise. The supports were given having had a request from a client, an internationally recognized government (fugitive government). Against the invasion, Yemen’s resistance group Ansar Allah movement and its allies' government (Sana’a government) began counter attacks. Sana’a government was supported by members of a resistance axis group, Lebanon, Syria and Palestine (Sana’a government Yemen itself is also one of the group members). Iran is the greatest supporter. However, because of tight blockage, their supports may have not been so much hardware-wise but mainly software-wise.
Reflecting the difference from Afghanistan War in the boundary conditions, the strategies and tactics employed by the invaders and defenders in this war are different from the ones adopted in Afghanistan War. For instance, the populated cities in Yemen are mostly in the plateaus surrounded by mountainous areas which are under Sana’a government control. Hence, Saudi-coalition conducted the strategy of ‘naval-land-aerial blockade.’ It’s also easier for the coalition to air-strike civilians & civilian infrastructure.
The defenders have adapted themselves to invaders’ attacks even with modern weapons symmetrically to some extent by mobilizing domestic resources with new ideas. Being helped software-wise, the defenders have developed weapons of their original. From among them, the one that has played a role of game changer is a ground-creeping drone. Up to the date, drones had been being used exclusively for strategic purposes, e.g., spotting, reconnaissance, assassinations, attacking economic targets etc. Hence, drones’ development had focused on how long & how high its reach, altitude & velocity can go. Correspondingly, the development to counter the attack had been in the same manner as the attack. That is, the system has been too naïve or practically rather defenseless to the ultra low-&-slaw drone attacks. Against this backdrop, the defenders used the drones for both strategic and tactical purposes. Saudi Aramco Refinery attacks (Sep. 14 2018) and border region Najran battle, capturing thousands of Saudi troops (25 Sep. 2019) are the real executions of them. The idea of ground-creeping drone is a typical kind of idea coming from a hungry condition. Yemen, not Iran, is in that condition. That is, the drones aren’t Iran’s but Yemen’s original. Iran may be one of the countries who are astonished by the drones of new idea.
En passant, among countries concerned, there’re 3 categories of responses to the drone of new idea, viz. (i) paying no attention (Russia), (ii) trying to establish a counter weapon (the USA & Israel), and (iii) adopting the same drone (Turkey). The results of (i) & (iii) are explicitly shown in Libya struggle of Tripoli as an obvious defeat of Libya National Army (LNA) supported by Russian and Israeli anti-drone missiles and a game-changing victory of Government of National Accord (GNA)’s Syrian mercenaries supported by Turkish drones.
Sana’a government says there’ll be more mew weapons. It’s not a bluff but a real prediction. The drones together with these weapons will balance air strikes in the Yemen War. And, regardless of like or not, the war continues protracted war of greter attrition. Nobody likes it. There’s no solution other than finding a way to coexist peacefully with Sana’a government. This way is generally applicable to all the protracted wars. Otherwise, “The only victor of all US wars across the world has been the US military-industrial complex, which growth and expansion depends on a continuation of global conflicts which create a stable demand to manufacture more weapons.[14]

Analogy to COVID-19
Keep in mind the above statements on the 2 wars, read sentences below. Readers will be able to realize the analogy between the wars and COVID-19.
(1)   To recover the balance of natural bio-lifecycle disrupted by an environmental change due to an unknown cause, e.g., aggressive use of chemicals in near-by farms.
(2)   Having been exposed to the environmental change, the novel Virus appeared with its natural predator, after having adapted itself to chemicals in general. All then-applicable medicines & disinfectants incorporated in computer programs of a modern medical-sanitation system had lost the validity. Note: This is the work of God. Nobody can stop it.
(3)    As the characters of the Virus hadn’t yet been known when it appeared in China, it’s pardonable for medical teams in charge to have dealt with COVID-19 abided by the inapplicable programs with invalid chemicals & disinfectants. Its 2 biggest negative consequences were (i) strengthened the Virus all-round from adsorption, penetration, and replication to release, and (ii) killed the Virus’ natural predator.
(4)    It resulted in uncontrollable outbreak of COVID-19. The point in issue is “modern medicine’s repetition of the wrong practices again & again until it bankrupted per se.”
(5)    This abnormal period was interrupted in China when the starting players of modern medicine technocrats who has no idea to confine COVID-19 were replaced by relief players who know a lockdown strategy with the experience of ‘siege the city in rural areas’ and have alternative tactics of traditional Chinese medicine & medicines, ‘herbs’. Under the new team, China has been already in a state of countering the reentry of the Virus from abroad.
(6)    In other countries, there’s no such ‘historically bred culture’, hence, no relief players equivalent to the one in China. Hence, the abnormal period lasts until modern medicine(s) stop the bankrupt practices. It’s the time when the current transient abnormal period starts for a new dynamic equilibrium, i.e., a normal period in which human being will coexist with the Virus and its natural predator.
(7)    If the war against COVID-19 would continue until genuine vaccine could be set up as the WHO conceives, it’s tantamount to seek the blue bard, Maeterlinck (1862 1949). It ends up merely in, The only victor of all wars on COVID-19 in the world has been the pharmaceutical-industrial complex, whose growth and expansion has benefits from a continuation of global diseases which create a stable demand to manufacture more pharmaceuticals.


Whenever a novel microbe emerges, it’s always accompanied with its natural predator in balance. Therefore, unless the natural predator is mistakenly neutralized, the production of natural predator is unnecessary. He hopes the same mistake won’t be repeated again.
However, there’s a case of sudden emergence of a novel pathogen without a natural predator. A bio-weapon attack is the case. The microbe to be used in the bio-weapon is to be such that of the Virus of high adaptability to existing pharmaceuticals and disinfectants. To counter the pathogen with vaccine doesn’t make sense.
To prepare for all possibilities, the basic method to produce a natural predator of any identified microbe is explained in this SECT. The explanations are from a septic tank and an aeration container of Length*Depth*Width=2*0.5*1 (m) and Diameter*Height =0.3*0.8 (m) respectively, which are installed in his Restaurant Lab for the purposes of food disposal studies. cf. [19] & [25]. In virus related practices, of course, some modifications & revisions will be needed.

How to recruit Natural Predator Candidate
The process to recruit natural predator candidate is as follows. cf. Illus. 2.

Illus. 2 How to recruit Natural Predator Candidate

(1)    Have a food-waste treatment septic tank that follows your command.
(2)    Have pieces of synthetic sponge; Place them in a septic tank.
Note: They’re for microbes’ habitat. Natural sponge is eaten by some microbes. It’s confirmed there’s no microbe that eat any synthetic plastics.
(3)    Begin routine operations. Microbes start multiplying. The operation is to last at least for 1 (month).
(4)    Stop the operation for more than 1 (month) to make microbes be hungry.
(5)    Pull out all pieces of sponge, and pack them in plastic bags. Seal the bags completely.
(6)    Leave the bags for more than 1 (month) in a room to make the microbes be fully hungry.
Note 1: The performance of the natural predator production so much depends on the   degree of hungry of microbes. The hungrier the microbes are, the better the natural predator production performance is.
Note 2: In the operation, any dishwasher detergent may be used. It’s been confirmed that dishwasher detergents sold in markets do not retard the activity of anaerobes in a septic tank. So will it be in the case of natural predator. Pure surfactant detergent is preferable.
The 1st half of natural-predator-production has been over.

How to breed Candidate Natural Predator
The activities of the breeding process are as follows. cf. Illus. 3.

Illus. 3 How to breed candidate Natural Predator

(1)   Open the bags, and pour pathogen gel (already otherwise provided) into each bag. All microbes including the candidate natural predators are hungry. But the fed one is the natural predator of the pathogen only.
(2)   Seal the bags again and store them for more than 1 (month). In the bags, the multiplied microbe is the natural predator of the pathogen only.
(3)   Open the bags, take out the sponges and squeeze them to extract the microbe sol. The sol is a mixture of various kinds of microbes. Among them, by-far the greatest quantity group is of the natural predator.
(4)     Separate the natural predator by means of centrifuge.

Dishwasher and pathogen Killer devices
On the dishwasher of air-foam & vapor-foam types, 2 papers have been presented. cf. [19] & [25]. There’s no essential difference between them theoretically and practically. A difference is only functional. The latter kills the Virus by boiling water and the former wash it away by normal water. The Virus elimination power of the latter is much greater than of the former. This paper shows the latter where a steam cooker is used.  cf. Photo.
(a)    Steam cooker        (b) Ready to operate       (c) Foam in full              (d) Rinsing
Photo 4 Vapor foam dishwasher
The device consists of 3 parts, viz. a gas stove, a water-boiler pan and a steam chamber. See Photo (a). A table napkin of about 2*2 (ft) is also needed as an accessory.
The process of works is: 1st, pour water in the water boiler pan up to 2-cm high, add detergent as specified and stir it to whip air foam at 3-cm depth. 2nd: put the pan & the chamber on the gas stove and put dish in the chamber. See Photo (b). 3rd, switch on gas stove, when it starts boiling, cover the chamber with the napkin. Adjust gas switch so as to avoid boil over and keep foam’s height adequate. 4th, 5 (min) after boiling started, switch off, remove the cover napkin and rinse the dish at the spot with normal water.
Note 1: The napkin prevents foam boiling over. However, its main function is to let foam leave its absorbed substance there.
Note 2: Vapor foam is much more vulnerable than air foam against cooler & drier external air. To keep vapor foam more stable, have the top surface of rising vapor foam covered with air foam of a few-cm deep. To whip air foam in the pan at the 1st stage of the work is for this purpose. During the work, the air bubble reinforced.  He realized it by a soap-bubble-making toy.
Note 3: Rinse is done at the spot. It’s to supply water and recycle remnant detergent on washed dish.
The inscribed steam cooker can be used as a pathogen killer for heat-durable small tools and clothes contaminated by the pathogen. In this case, water needs no detergent.


This paper summarizes its conclusions as follows:
(1)   The Virus is of novel characters which hadn’t yet been incorporated into the programs of modern medicine at the time when COVID-19 commenced.
(2)   From among the novel characters, the one that played a decisive role is the virus’ adaptability to chemicals.
(3)   The adaptation of an organism is the driving power of evolution. The evolution is the work of God. Hence, besides killing the organism there’s no way to stop it. It's impossible to kill such an organism in a human body without harming the human itself. In this context, there’s no vaccine to neutralize the Virus. Any fort to have it is in vain.
(4)   As the modern medical system didn’t know the Virus’ unprecedented characters, it’s pardonable for it to have started with inapplicable medicines which didn’t kill but strengthened the Virus, resulting in an unprecedented pandemic. The matter is “despite obvious failure, the system repeated the same mistake until its bankruptcy.”
(5)   In the N-hemisphere, the Virus was mass-produced by aeration at sewage treatment plants and mass-transported by extra-tropical cyclones, each of which is lesser & nil respectively in the S-hemisphere.
(6)   COVID-19 is waning status now, thanks for practically ‘give up’ situation in almost all countries. If there’d be no-more trial of pharmaceuticals, and also no more implementation of lockdown, COVID-19 would end within 8 (months) from now.
(7)   A sole solution to the same events as COVID-19 in a future is to coexist with the virus and its natural predator in a new bio-cycle. Concrete measures to realize it are: (i) to have an effective system to identify pathogen in a national level, (ii) to build up a septic-tank network to breed natural predator of the specified pathogen in a regional level, (iii) to familiarize dishwasher and other pathogen-killing devices with people at a live level.
(8)   COVID-19 is a warlike event per se. the Virus itself is qualified to be a bio-weapon material. Besides these direct relations, COVID-19 has indirect relations to wars. No wonder, specific wars are analogous to COVID-19. Afghanistan war (2001 2020) & Yemen War (2915 present) pertain to this category. Hence, to study KOVID-19 by analogy to the wars is useful to know the nature of both.
(9)   In the 2 wars, invaders are both well-fed countries and defenders are both hungry countries. The latter adapted themselves to the former’s superior weaponry with their domestically-produced original weaponry with their wisdom. At this time point, the people of defending country entered a mental evolution era. The evolution is the work of God. The wars entered an endless protracted people’s war of attrition. The money in coffers is finite but the wisdom of human is infinitive. Why the well-fed people don’t use wisdom as well? Answer is: because the wisdom doesn’t come from the well-feds. Who is a winner in an infinitively long war? Answer is the war industry.
This paper’s recommendations are as follows:
(10) As far as COVID-19 or the like concerned, all the pharmaceuticals (chemicals & vaccines) and disinfectants shall not be used. The lockdowns are questionable unless executed strictly.
(11) To build natural predator production facilities is recommended to prepare for possible COVIC-19 type quick pandemic either by mistake or bio-weaponry warfare in a future. The vaccine to counter either case doesn’t make sense.
(12) He recommends researchers to be engaged more in analogical studies that generally lack in researchers who are currently bogged around computers. The analogy between COVID-19 and Wars reveals a fact “any weapon or any pharmaceuticals of sophistication can’t overpower adaptability of any organism.” In isolated studies on these 2 themes, researchers won’t be able to find the truth.

Any study starts with a theme. Next is to find premises from which a hypothesis comes inductively. This step is indispensable if the theme is of scientific complexity. The hypothesis is to be deductively proven to be a theory.
He has set up a hypothesis based on applicable premises. Of course there may be a researcher who is able to approach more premises. Based on them, if the researcher would derive a different hypothesis of his own, it’s wonderful per se. He shall learn it.


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